On the Facebook and YouTube platforms online promotion tools such as advertising, banners, etc. Achieved results The campaign based on the contest represented a true success certified by the numbers over target audiences signed up , over points of sale were involved in more than Italian cities and prizes were awarded for the happiness of the Wavin public. Do you want to have dedicated consultancy for a contest project capable of exploiting the most advanced strategies and tools? Contact us, we will be able to provide you with the most appropriate advice for your needs. COPYWRITING Fundamental copywriting techniques W and H LEONARDO ROSA SEPTEMBER shutterstock Those who write professionally and do so for digital and traditional marketing agencies must work following proven methodologies that lead to guaranteed results.
Among the fundamental principles that a professional copywriter must know there are photo editing servies certainly those marked by the " Ws" , also basic in journalism, and the one identified by the letter "H". Practically every type of text required for a copy must be built on the skeleton made of these initials, which contain as many questions Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? You might be interested in "Copywriting and journalism differences and common factors" Who whose copywriter writes or who writes for? copywriting techniques The "who" from which the copy starts to write must actually be understood in the dual role indicated in the title of this paragraph.
To obtain a text useful for the strategy it is important to have a clear understanding of the protagonist of the message you want to disseminate and the type of reader to whom the information is aimed. Losing sight of the focus around which you are building an article, an advertisement, or a product description means immediately losing effectiveness. The same thing applies if we do not consider the peculiarities of what in marketing jargon is called buyer persona , a precise description of the typical customer.