Use it to build hype around your album release and build a deeper connection with your fans. Screenshot of listening party announcement source: get recommended on provides articles about independent artists and genre-specific roundups. Contact the editor or submit your music for feature consideration. If your distro fits into the type of niche they often promote, this can give you a huge boost in visibility as you'll get a lot of traffic. Screenshots with featured artist source: is there a new release using the community feature? Use the community feature to message your followers directly.
Andrei surgutanov adopted this strategy when launching a new album on his egypt dataset record label. "There is indeed an automated notification system that sends a simple email to an artist's fans to inform an artist's fans about a new release. However, sometimes a more personal message from the artist can create a connection that's special enough to entice fans to buy." a screenshot of an artist sharing a community feature update source: --- weekly content planning for your upcoming album well, we've covered a lot in this article, and we know it can be a little overwhelming. We'd love to take some of the guesswork out of it for you and provide you with an accurate content plan to promote your upcoming release.
Week: preview announcement platform day content monday shared a blurred or cropped teaser image of the album cover with a cryptic title, hinting at a big announcement. A brief teaser video was released on tuesday, introducing the project through atmospheric visuals or sound bites. Wednesday uses teaser audio for songs from the album and releases a short, engaging clip of rehearsal, behind-the-scenes footage. Update your profile bio on thursday to mention upcoming releases without giving too many details. Email friday send an email previewing next week's big announcements, including a countdown or "Stay tuned" message.