Now's not the time to give . Up hope for your small business. Now's the time to get smart about funneling limited . Resources into business growth. Now's the time to diversify client base, grow audiences, and find . Cheaper, more ingenious ways to reach ideal customers—all roadblocks small businesses face.I've been working in . Marketing for over a decade, and I've seen people try all sorts of tactics to . Get new leads. Some of them work. Most of them don't. One that cuts through . The lead gen noise: quizzes.
Let me introduce you to my little (lead gen) friendthere are . Many ways to stand out in the big, bad business venture world. But when it . Comes to good lead gen, there are two bite-sized marketing lessons that come up again . And again. Let's italy dataset break them down.You're out of business if you don't have a prospectzig . Ziglar had a good point. Kind of feels like a throwback from leadgen , but . Sometimes you have to start at the beginning. Finding prospects is the main purpose of .
Lead gen. Often, this challenge is met with a large budget for ads, video production, . And marketing campaigns to build brand awareness. That's for the big fish in the marketing . Sea, but a bit harder to come by when you're still a minnow trying to . Survive.Keep this in mind: small businesses should outsmart, not outspend their competitors.Enter the not-so-new, but . Real effective kid in town: quizzes. When it comes to building email lists and showcasing . Your brand's personality, quizzes are a brilliant way to shine.