本帖最後由 alive830@yogirt 於 2024-3-5 17:14 編輯
The indicators we recommend are broadly divided into two: those that can be measured quantitatively (inside SNS indicators and indicators outside SNS), and those that can be measured qualitatively. Regarding quantification, if it is an indicator within SNS, ・Number of reach ・Number of engagement ・Number of tags/Number of original hashtags [brand name, product name, etc.] We recommend. In terms of indicators outside of SNS ・ Comparison of number of designated searches and sales after implementing SNS Etc. Regarding qualitative information, we recommend conducting a survey of buyers and asking them what led them to know about the product and purchase it. 5.Organization building/responsibility assignment It is very easy to understand if you think of SNS as a triple media, and its role changes depending on each measure.
It is necessary to design an overall SNS strategy while taking these factors into consid Laos Phone Number Data eration. There are four major assignments, and roles change within each role. Role of SNS project manager The project manager has a wide variety of responsibilities, including overall SNS strategy design, overall KGI/KPI design, overall progress management, organizational construction, assignments, and algorithm catch-up. Role of SNS account operator Account operations personnel also require the above amount of time for each platform. However, when using short videos, for example, it is possible to horizontally deploy them to other platforms, thereby reducing resources. Role of the person in charge of SNS word of mouth measures Word-of-mouth measures can be divided into measures such as gifting, which are carried out on a regular basis, and paid tie-ups, which are carried out when you want to raise awareness all at once.

Basically, it does not take much time, but it is a very important measure. Role of the person in charge of placing SNS advertisements Advertising on SNS is very simple compared to other types of advertising, and the main thing you actually do is creative direction and site improvement. The results will vary depending on how accurately you can perform the PDCA cycle. Related article Thorough explanation of SNS advertising management agency! Effective way to attract customers Thorough explanation of SNS advertising management agency! Effective way to attract customers Read More We also provide consulting support for companies that don't have much time for overall strategy design. \Please contact us by specifying Tomita/ Talk about Instagram Easy 30 seconds! Learn about StockSun by downloading materials Download free materials that you can understand in 3 minutes 6.