If you embed unnecessary keywords in your business name, you will reduce or even eliminate named searches. Users who already know the name of a store and want to know its location, business hours, or its reputation can search for the store name (for example, ``Yakitori Yamachan''). This is called a named search. Search users will search for ``Yakitori Yamachan,'' but they will .
Cheap Year-end Party, New Year's Party.'' As a result, the match rate betw Consumer Mobile number Database een the store name that is actually being searched for and the store name registered as a "business name" decreases, and the search engine will think that the store has little recognition (visibility). The disadvantage is that it is difficult to get search ratings. Avoid using parentheses ( ) or symbols to add readings to your business name (e.g. "Cote d'Azure") as this will reduce your match rate. Additionally, embedding such keywords is a measure that can be classified as a "black hat measure."
Please avoid doing this as you risk being penalized by search engines and having your business profile suspended. Related article: How to choose a successful business name? Optimize your Google Business Profile Post Google Business Profile Post Post The text and keywords in the post also affect searches as information tied to the store. In addition to the keywords related to the business category, business name, and address that we have set up so far, by including keywords and posting related content, you will be more likely to appear in search results for that keyword.