Opening a wedding salon from scratch is a complicated and expensive business. Money is needed for absolutely everything. How much money is needed to open? We will try to calculate approximately.
Rent of a boutique. In a shopping center with high traffic it will be much higher than in a residential area. You will need to pay approximately 25-30 thousand rubles per month. If funds allow, the premises can be purchased.
Repair work. The salon needs to slovenia whatsapp data be repaired accordingly and an atmosphere of ease and lightness needs to be created – 70 thousand rubles.
Purchase of furniture and attributes. Another costly item that cannot be excluded from the list. To buy everything necessary for the boutique, you will need at least 50 thousand rubles.
Purchase of goods. If you specialize only in dresses, the amount will be a little lower. But if you set yourself the goal of getting a good profit, then try to put on display suits for the groom, dresses for bridesmaids, various accessories, shoes and, of course, wedding dresses - 500-700 thousand rubles.
Hiring employees – from 35 thousand rubles;
Advertising (signs, leaflets, etc.) – 15-20 thousand rubles.
Registration of documents – 10-15 thousand rubles.
Additional investment – 25 thousand rubles.
How to open a wedding salon? You need to have start-up capital and desire. Otherwise, you will not succeed.
How to promote a store on Instagram*
AtvorIlya Lavrov
PublishedMarch 11, 2020
1 min read